Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July fun! Day 1

We just love Grandma and Grandpa Upton. We are so glad they came to visit. It's too bad we don't get to spend more time with them cause they sure are fun. Sadie was the only one who was a bit wary of them at first. But she warmed up and even let Grandma hold her before we went home. The kids sure had lots of fun on the blow up water slide. Thanks Uncle Michael for getting it and setting it up. Sadie even enjoyed getting plowed over by the boys on the slide.

Zach wasn't too sure about all the water, but he and Grandpa had a great time hanging out in the shade. Grandpa always has a good time watching us all play.

The kids decided that after the slide got put away they weren't quite done yet, so they all hung out in the kiddy pool. But the little girls were done with it by then, so it all worked out.

At the end of the day the kids sang songs and Grandma and Grandpa gave them each a flag and a little wind mill. We tried to get a good picture, but with some many little bodies it's next to impossible. Luckily Uncle Devin took the real picture and I'm sure he'll share.


Megan said...

I need to get one of those big water slides, unfortunately, you have seen my back yard and it would overflow over the fence. Looks fun though!

Lael said...

Your pictures and comments are great. It was a wonderful weekend and I'm so glad we were all able to be together.