Friday, November 20, 2009

Tumble Weed

Tumble Weed... Also know as Russian Thistle.
I was going to pick up Spencer from preschool. I was topped at a light and going across the road was a tumble weed. My immediate thought everytime I see one is how funny they are. And then I thought it might be nice to be a tumble weed. So carefree and you just go where the wind blows you... and then the thought stopped. I am so glad I have control over where I go. I may not have control over everything that happens in my life and what goes on around me... but I do get to choose what I make of that. So that being said I still think tumble weeds are funny... but I am glad to not be like one.

1 comment:

Lael said...

What great insights. I have always been fascinated with tumble weeds but never put things into perspective the way you did. Thanks for sharing!