Wednesday, May 12, 2010

All the small things...

All the small things... grandpa helping to teach Mark...
The joy of Tommy swinging out in the warm sun....
Being a mom and even if it's only one day a year (thankfully it's more) of my kids saying thanks mom for being there for us, for loving us, for taking care of us, for giving us hugs and kisses, for making sure we get our homework done, for playing with us, for singing to us and reading to us, and for all the other things you do...
For naps... this little girl rarely takes one, but when she does she sleeps hard...
For preschool where Spencer gets to make cool things... and for brushing our teeth...
I am just thankful for all the small things which add up to our lives and that's a big deal!

1 comment:

Lael said...

Thanks so much for sharing your small joys with all of us. It is the little things that really make life wonderful!