I was thinking about it more and you know... I only want to do the easy stuff too. Sometimes it just seems like that would be the way to go. But where does this take us? My guess is that life would actually turn out to be a lot harder. It's funny how the things that seem so hard when we are doing them are the things that set us free. Life would be so dull and unrewarding if all we ever did was "the easy stuff."
Our Father in Heaven has given us families, jobs, church, friends, homes, and the list goes on and on... and it's all hard work. We have to work everyday to keep up those things. Is it easy? Sometimes yes... and sometimes it's so hard I want to dig myself a hole and hide for a year or two. But most of the time it's fun and it is always worth it!
So enjoy life... learn from it...
Speaking of learning...
We went to NYC last week. What an adventure! I feel like I learned alot about people, our country, myself, art and everything inbetween.
I'll just give you a day it a time...