Monday, May 4, 2009


Here's Spencer playing soccer.... we aren't too sure that he likes it, but at least he's cute!
Tommy on the other hand LOVES it. If you talk to him about it he'll tell you that he's the best soccer player and he's not quite sure why they don't pick him every time to play. He's actually pretty good. He said he scored two goals this last week.
I'm not sure why, but I don't have a picture of Mark playing this time yet. He's pretty good. He likes to be goalie. I never wanted to be goalie, the thought of balls flying at my head and body just isn't a fun one. But he likes it and he's pretty good. I'll make sure we a get a picture of him this Saturday.

1 comment:

Lael said...

I would love to see them play! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Let me know when their games are. I would like to come before their season is over!