Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sometimes don't ya just feel like this?

I thought this was a good picture for today. It has just been one of those days for all of us. But as one of my favorite childhood books says... we all have days like this even in Australia!
I would like to say this about the picture though... even when she is upset, she's still cute! Earlier today she was quite cuddly infact. The boys don't cuddle much anymore now that they are "big," so I always enjoy a good snuggle from her.
I watered my garden today. The peas are growing! I have something else sprouting too, but I can't remember what I planted where so until it gets a bit bigger, I have no idea what it is! I am hoping to plant my tomatoes soon. They are growing, just not in the ground yet. I think I will make salsa again. I made some last year and it was really good. I made 11 jars and I think we have 3 or 4 left. It's way better than store bought and it costs a lot less too!
Well... here's hoping tomorrow will be a better day!

1 comment:

Lael said...

She is adorable, even when she is so sad. Hope tomorrow is a better day!