Thursday, February 18, 2010

My how time flies!

I guess it's been a while since my last post... Earlier this month Dave took a business trip to Atlanta. I always hate it when he has to go. The kids seem to be more wound up, I don't sleep and it's just not my favorite thing. So Dave thought it was funny that Sadie and I were blocking the door in an atempt to keep him from leaving. It didn't work by way, he still left. But I keep telling him that one time I'm gonna lock him in the bathroom and I just might actually do it!
For those of you that know Dave... he can sleep any time, any where... which usually is the floor on a Saturdy afternoon. Sadie decided to join him. I just thought it was cute. There was no actual sleeping involved here, much to Dave's dismay.
For those who don't already know... we have a surprise. If you already know don't give it away, but you probably don't know that you know so I guess it's okay. And no it's not what you think... I will give you one hint... it has nothing to do with me. So post a comment and see if you can guess what it is and I'll post here on Monday with a picture. Happy Guessing!


db said...

You got a CAT? Isn't Dave allergic?

Julie Baldwin said...

You are buying a dog?...You are moving? are going to buy us a house?....

db said...

Hey, I know! You sell your house, we sell our house, and we can all live at Grandma's house with Peter and Emily!

It would be like New Year's Eve party every day!

Marthe Henderson said...

wait i thought you guys were going to buy us a house! everyone needs two right?

Unknown said...

First, we are tying to move out, we don't want to have a New Years Eve party every day. :-) Second, you're so going to have a baby..... :-)

Unknown said...

You are getting sued too?


Unknown said...

Oh wait, I know, you're adopting 4 kids from Haiti?

Unknown said...

...maybe you are moving to Atlanta...

db said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
db said...

One of four things:

Peter and Emily said...

You're finishing your basement? I know an electrician that could help. :-)

Peter and Emily said...

Your paying off your house?

Peter and Emily said...

A private trip to the Hersey factory? There's a new line a fabric out? One of your kids one the spelling bee? (We've gotten Grandma pretty worried that you're moving to Atlanta, she's already begun to say, "I should have spent more time with them.") AND WE DON'T EVEN KNOW IF THAT'S WHAT ALL THE HUB BUB IS ABOUT!

Peter and Emily said...

You won a million dollars, and you're going to share?

Peter and Emily said...

You got laid off? (I hope not) Is it good news or bad news?

Peter and Emily said...

Is your "bad" or your "good" the same as ours? (We would classify moving as "bad" news. Unless it's closer to Mom than you are right now.) :-)

Peter and Emily said...

You won a free, week long trip to Disney World?

Peter and Emily said...

Ok, I have some more ideas. Bishop? Counselor, E.Q. Pres., High Councilman?

Marthe Henderson said...

Ok so this is the best post ever! I like all your guesses... keep them coming because I like to laugh. I think I like Devin's #4 on his list the best. I'll be sure to keep it in mind.

db said...

You got cell phones? Finally!!!!

db said...

Sadie got her ears pierced?

db said...

Tommy got his ears pierced?

db said...

Are you getting a bird? A Parrot? I heard that if you cut off the middle toe of a Raven they can talk.

db said...

You got a ticket to the "Google Opt-Out Village?"

db said...

вы учитесь рускому?

db said...

You're making a giant balloon that can hold a 5-year-old and you're going to let it go while Spencer is hiding in the garage... wait. already been done.

db said...

Who's growing a second head?

Marthe Henderson said...

You are all crazy!
Any more guesses?
Oh and by the way... they are all wrong, it's nothing nearly as exciting as all that.
So you can tell grandma to rest easy... we are not moving, but if we did it would be as far as 200 ft or so from where we live right now.

David Henderson said...

Ok, so I'm going to give you a hint. Remember back when we used to go to the rink on Saturday mornings and help Dad make lots of cotton candy and lots of balloons for the birthday parties........................................................................................................................................It has nothing to do with that.
Hope that helps.

David Henderson said...

Don't feel bad. . maybe this will help you feel better.

db said...

Given that last hint, we've narrowed it down to the following:

1. Trogdor is coming to visit.
2. Davis is going to be Trogdor for Halloween (he's the right height)
3. You all had lessons on consummate 'v's for FHE
4. You had some money burninating a hole in your pocket and you decided to buy a Grill.