Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our first skater and fun at the park

Dave was so excited on Saturday when Sadie brought him the skates with an excited look on her face. He put them on her and now she wears them for a bit everyday. She loves them! Dave was excited because none of our boys have ever really been interested in skating. And we all know how much Dave loves to skate! She's pretty cute when she has them on, but when she hits the kitchen floor and it's a bit more slippery she gets pretty frustrated.

Saturday was such a nice day we couldn't resist going to the park. The kids love to be outside and it was just warm enough to really enjoy it.
Wouldn't it be nice to be a kid? Sometimes I think it would be great to be a kid again, but then I couldn't enjoy watching my own kids. They have such a good time and the only cares they have are how high dad can push them on the swing and how many times and how fast they can go down the slide.
Ahhhh to be young.... but then I heard once that we are as young as we think we are. I think I will continue to be almost 30 for the rest of my life.

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