Friday, February 20, 2009

A car wreck and a new purse

So here are some pictures of what I did to our car... which by the way they have not fixed yet. I am a bit frustrated by that since it is impossible for us to go anywhere with my whole family in our little car. But sometimes blessings come in unexpected ways... there was another small issue that they will fix that could have potentially cause us problems on our trip next month. So I won't complain too much.

And here is a picture of my latest finished project. I have recently decided that I would like to design and make kids clothes, specifically little girls clothes. Maybe some boy ones too since I know how hard it is to find cute little boy clothes. But the picture above is a purse I saw at this web site I just fell in love with it and had to have one of my own. I did make a few changes. I did attached the flower differently and sewed around the edges differently and I also made changes to the handles. But over all I am really pleased with how it turned out and I've had lots of compliments on it!


Lael said...

What fun! Looks like a welcome breath of spring after our long winter! You are so creative. I love to see the beautiful things you make.

milk made baby said...

Cute purse! It's good to alter patterns if you're going to sell them so you're not getting into copyright issues either (so much legal who-hah)